Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tragic Venus

I did a new shoot yesterday. I have always been inspired by Marilyn Monroe, and wanted to do a male version of her and juxtapose beauty and sensuality with disturbing drug/suicide paraphernalia. My girl model bailed last minute so the rest of the photos were very spur of the moment, but I like them...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Here are some photos from last Saturday night, Imago's WANDERLUST alternative fashion show. I wore designs by Evan Biddell and Youth in Asia... Such a crazy time...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Magazine spread...

A photoshoot I did months and months ago was just published in this month's Canadian FASHION.... *Little* bit cheesy... OY!

Friday, November 7, 2008

New Shoot!


Extra big shout-outs to Adam who dressed up as ME for Halloween! ha ha So flattered!


I'm starting this blog by showing off my Halloween costume... I was a big FREAK. Messy, messy night. I was sick of pretty this year I cast aside the booty shorts and did something scary. The night itself was scary, too...definitely had some booze-fueled *oops* moments... damn those beer goggles!!! ha ha ha
My official website should be up within a month with photos, music, make sure to check back for that! This blog will be more personal and updated often with tons of new shit... check back!